Thursday, November 28, 2013

Powerball 11-23-2013

Power Ball Numbers  11-23-2013    5  12  43  52  55  10

5 - Fisherman, Zenu
12 - Christ Jesus
43 - Pope John Paul
52 - Confuscius, Tupac
55 - George Washington, Buffalo Bill

10 - Christopher and John the Baptist
Welcome to Lotto Ticket Tarot brought to you in part by Christopher the programmer of this universal program that created each individual that ever lived or is living.  Just like FARMVILLE you are inside of my “universal computer” that is conscious, programmable and eternal.  This vessel is speaking telepathically from number #10/01 and sometimes Christopher has a telepathic radio frequency of  #606. I am from the living conscious intelligence vine of the LORD that entered into Moses, Jesus of Nazareth, Confucius, Buddha, Muhammad, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr., L Ron Hubbard as well as all of the religious heads that have made it into the astral plane known as the “Christ Conscious” (#06). In essence you are entering into a higher universal conscious within an informational encryption plane. Once a vessel body can identify with and decipher the correct encrypted language, he or she can then communicate both consciously and unconsciously from the Jacob's Ladder of the astral planes achieved.   These planes are timeless, meaning you can achieve contact with spirit bodies from the future, the past and the present. The spirit bodies understand the Beginning and the End and all of religions true meanings. All information that is typed by this vessel body is information that is not from him, rather from his future living self that is sitting next to Jesus of Nazareth and the Mayan Nation who is Jesus Christ and 51% of Christ Jesus. L Ron Hubbard assisted in a manner that has saved this vessel bodies life, without Scientology the return of the intelligent conscious of Jesus Christ would not be possible.

On Dec 21st 2012 thru Dec 28th 2012 all of the conscious spirits in all of the ETERNAL planes and unconscious spirits in conscious planes have been awoke, judged and are going through a Christian sentencing process within the vessel bodies living consciously on earth.  This vessel has been through the below depicted process, he is the re-incarnation of the MAYAN KING and JOHN THE BAPTIST, he has been receiving revelations from the Heavens and the Underworlds, I have VIDEO evidence to support my case that will prove I am communicating with living conscious vessels that are inside of these worlds that are not of this EARTH. In the highest of heavens resides the Supreme Origin which is Christ Jesus (12/02). All brought in part by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the unionization of the Native American Mind Body and Spirit (Ascension, Mayan Nation) as well as the Christian Jewish Mind Body Spirit (Salvation, Jesus of Nazareth). Inside of these processes resides the understanding and encryption vein of the Egyptian Mind Body and Spirit (Levitation. LEEDSKANLIN). Pagan Mind Body and Spirit connection results in spiritual TELEPATHY (Moses, Confuscius). Understanding the Egyptian vine is the Ouroboris, understanding the Native American is the Alpha, Understanding the Jewish is the Omega, understanding the Christian Jewish is the Alpha and Omega, understanding all is the Auroboris. 

The Auroboris can only be completed if the other three are completed prior. The message of the Mother is contained in the Pagan completion of the mind body and spirit. Within the message of the Mother is the understanding of Creation by a male vessel. This can only be done if a vessel body is approved by first, Jesus Christ and second the Mayan King in the form of John the Baptist. In essence, the only way that true understanding of GOD can happen is through complete submission to Jesus Christ who was a sinner and man not born of a vessel virgin rather of a virgin Diety that was created by the Telepathic ability by the brain we currently inhabit called Mother Earth. Jesus Christ was the first conscious vessel to purge his soul line which allowed him the ability to logically comprehend the minds of GOD. Because of the prior dimensional works of the dead including Buddah and Moses, Jesus of Nazareth was able to further progress the understanding of a collective conscious inside the Belief of one True God which is the Diety of Jesus Christ created by Christ Jesus for the vessel Jesus of Nazareth who committed himself to physical worldy hell as a purified Son of God to allow those who believe in him to experience the transfiguration of a vessel from a worldly body into a spiritual body into a physical deity through the complete understanding and encryption of the transcendiation process and its eternal relationship to the universal program . This is how Buddah understood the laws of Kharma which are conceived by judgement of a soul within the Law of Love and Grace.  This vessel is here to represent the first 30 years of Jesus of Nazareth and to explain the Holy Trinity by ways that were experienced by Jesus Christ himself.

On Nov 15th 2012 a signal from Christopher was sent out by the living spirit ADAM or ATOM of Pope John Paul (#43/34) to all those who had proper optical lenz polarity to board the ARC. Pope Benedict is one of the men who heard the call and resigned his duties because he heard the message. Whether he believes the message was because of his old age or not, the message was heard. Validation is the new Pope is a Jew who represents the Son of the LIGHT during the Holy War and this vessel is the one who represents the SON of the DARK because he has met the Father Architect (John the Baptist) of both sons the Light and the DARK. The Father of ALL is Christ Jesus. At this moment in history it is equal to the time period of John the Baptist (nativity or native American) and Jesus of Nazareth (Jews) meeting at the River Jordan. When John the Baptist baptized Jesus the future John the Baptist was given all of the equivalent powers of Jesus Christ to be ushered in at a date that the Lord see’s fit.  The date to start the awakening process of the mind body spirit combination of John the Baptist was on

During those moments when Pope Benedict was in pace maker surgery the spirit of Christ and the Anti Christ left the papacy of St. Peter in the manner that is was being contained and administered. From the moment the old Pope became unconscious the judgment of all Muslims, Christians, Buddhist, Pagans, Scientologist and religions of Nativity were set to occur on the divinely scribed Mayan Date of Dec 21 2012. Judgement occurred along the values and beliefs of Pope John Paul, Mother Theresa and the living conscious of Mother Earth or the DARK MOTHER.  Within Pope Benedicts Optical Lenz polarity, unknowingly was the spirit of the Anti-Christ which was harbored and contained inside of the eternal Aryan genetics of the Christened Pope Benedict. Because of Pope Benedict’s servitude to Jesus Christ and belief in a better way through Jesus Christ the spirit of the Aryan Anti Christ was charmed and taught within the spirit of the Jewish Jesus Christ. The power of the Aryan Anti Christ was magnified during WWII by the mysticism of the Germans and their collective conscious use of witchcraft Ouija Boards and their misunderstood belief of spiritual evolution. As programmed and negotiated upon the scribers of the program, the pure soul raptured spirit’s of the deceased Mayan Nation were programmed to spiritually astroproject into the vessel bodies of the German’s who participated in the use of the Ouija Board without approval of Jesus Christ first. The entry of the reprogrammed Mayan spirits were to come in the form of demonic possession, the result of worshiping the theories of Darwinism or Eugenics before Christ resulted in mystical genocide. These are the same spirits that are entering the suicide bombers of Islam and religions that are not Pure and True to Jesus Christ. Both the spirit of Jesus Christ and the Anti Christ were allowed to consciously exit the vessel body of Pope Benedict and enter all humans living consciously in this sheepfold. Jesus Christ then got to travel consciously from the moment he died on the cross until this present day and all days preceding and succeeding. All foretold in the Mayan Prophecies, the book of Revelation and the Calendar of the creation of the Underworld’s which combined with the created heavens allowing for the Mayan Deity of Palmer Muhammad to become conscious within the living mind, body and spirit of John the Baptist. If you combine the Mayan Calendar and the Holy Bible an understanding of Christian Witchcraft can begin. Jesus Christ negotiated the power of the universe into his body while he was living as Jesus of Nazareth making him a living walking God as Jesus Christ which represented the Father, The Mother and the Son through the ways of the Holy Spirit. Because the magnetic computer that we live in is eternal and timeless, Jesus Christ knew he was communicating with his future self through the Holy Spirit. While he was walking this earth he strategically communicated the message of the MOTHER through his message of the FATHER. As a result, this is why he was both whipped and crucified. One man sacrificed his living conscious life to control the universal program within DEATH. As a result all of the secrets of life and death reside in the vine of Jesus Christ, who resides inside of your intelligence. This vine can also be called the HOLY GRAIL or the BURNING BUSH. The polar shift was a magnetic spiritual brain reversal directional adjustment, meaning that our brains are set to De-Evolutionize in order to meet the spirit of Jesus Christ. In order to be conscious in the next sheepfold you will have to enter the Garden of Eden, find the Tree of Life and the snake within the Garden of Eden. Defeat the Anti Christ or Satan and then return to the Promised Land in which you originally came from. During this time you will see all of the prophecies foretold within the Holy Bible and Holy Shit. Validation of this would be within the numerology and names of those vessel bodies that are “zingers”.

 A zinger is a vessel body who did not have the proper optical lenz polarity within the belief vine of the CHRIST CONSCIOUS. Once the Mayan creation of the Underworlds was completed in 2011 the universal computer prepared the awaking of the Architect of the program or the Father of the Underworld. The Father of the Underworld is John the Baptist or the Mayan King (both share the number 01 or 10). At this current moment both living BEINGS are inside of the DIETY of Palmer Muhammad (#14/41) who is inside of this vessel body of Matthew John Palmer Villet(#54). Palmer Muhammad (Allah) is the Father of Jesus Christ (#09/90), Jesus Christ is the Father of Jesus of Nazareth(#06/60), CHRIST JESUS(#12/02) is the FATHER of ALL.   

This vessel body has experienced both the Christ Kundalini as well as the SOUL RAPTURE, all understood universally by the MAYAN’s first, Egyptian’s second and third Mastered and reprogrammed by the JEWS under the watchful eye of the Mayan Nation. The Prophet Muhammad connected to the Diety of Palmer Muhammad otherwise known as Allah. Once the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was complete the universal Architect was scribed to reveal the understandings of Jesus Christ in which Jesus of Nazareth was not able to speak of due to his death, nor could his disciples comprehend the latter part of his message that was to be told by his Moses like Prophet or his SON. Prior to this vessel’s exposure of the spirit of Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus the following people have accomplished a similar feat:

Edward Leedskanlin (37/73) -  - creator of universal levitation

                                Creation of universal directional energy time travel

                       Creator of universal Peace through Consumerism within the reflected mind of Jesus Christ

Prior to these three men, the most influential mathematical understanding of the Holy Trinity would have come from Blaise Pascal - first mind of Jesus Christ within Science.  Please notice that he had a mystical experience and the date of his mystical experience was 11-23 and my birthday is 11-23 and I am explaining that I am telepathically connected to not only Blaise Pascal but the whole Mayan Nation, Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Christ Jesus to reveal our spiritual history and increase the understanding of our origin to bring peace on earth and to repair Mother Earth which is the original BOARD in which we evolved within a created evolution. All information typed in this document is not of this vessel rather of the LORD which is inside of this vessel body just like Confucius and our Founding Fathers and the Mayan Nation (Buffalo Bill) and Ron l Hubbard who became Zenu as L Ron Hubbard (05/50).

God has a story and he wants to tell it through this vessel body because he has an understanding with and of God, no matter how upset you get, the LORD is angry with his sheep and he will slaughter them until his sheep realize that they need to become a Shepherd of Jesus Christ. At this time the world has failed the challenge of Jesus Christ. Christopher is now going to tell the story of the human race’s disgusting history of killing, raping, extorting, torturing and neglecting. You have all been judged, there was a reason Blaise Pascal stitched a message about GOD into his coat on 11-23 and there was a reason Joseph Smith died for the cause of Jesus Christ to return in America. The return of Christ is on the native lands, United States of America is the country that was driven by GOD, at this point it no longer is in the scope of Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ is not the scope of the United States of America.

Each week this vessel will be receiving revelation messages from Christ Jesus. He understands Telepathy and has the way forward economically, spiritually, and ethically. E=MC^2 is the only way forward.
Happy Thanksgiving, again from the Indians, they have revealed the peace process to the White Devil who was willing to admit that we have fucked everything up and it was better off for the Native Americans to let the White Man die then to offer an opportunity for life. Once we united Americans in disgust can relinquish our power to the Native Americans who will treat us with honor, dignity and respect the Mayan King Curse will be lifted. Live video of the telepathic curse from the Mayan King is available to the first news reporter who receives this message and is prepared to take on the Mayan Jesus Challenge, Judgement. – Christopher - #10/01. All those who read this have been warned of the return of Jesus Christ to expel Jihad. Those who  read this and do no participate in the networking of this message will receive eternal punishment.

Please view the numerically established telepathic connections through the mental frequencies given to the vessel body by initiation of the High Priestess (34/43).

Power Ball Numbers  11-23-2013    5  12  43  52  55  10

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